Doubt (The Connected Series Book 1) Read online


  by KA Hobbs

  Copyright (c) 2014 KA Hobbs

  E-book edition

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including but not limited to: photocopying, recording or other electronical or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non commercial uses permitted by law.

  For permission requests, write to the author at

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  This is a work of fiction.

  Any resemblance to persons either living or deceased is purely coincidental.

  Names, places and characters are figments of the author’s imagination, or if real, used in a fictitious sense.

  The author recognises all the trademarks and copyrights of any registered products and/ or companies mentioned within this work of fiction.

  All rights reserved.

  Thank you….

  There are so many people I would like to thank, this could take some time. To my wonderful book besties. Without you girls, I wouldn’t have been brave enough to press publish. Doug and Sophie would only be known to me.

  Sam - You know I love you. We share the exact same taste in books - how many times have we sent excited messages to each other about a book. We sit and talk about fictional characters like they are real, maybe they are somewhere, I live in hope! I knew I was on to a good thing when you told me Søren could wait, you were reading Doubt!! Your support, encouragement and friendship means the world to me. You’re my TO and I adore you. Bottle of the pink fizz is on me!

  Natasha - You were the first person to read my story, you gave your time up to read my book and have been helping me and encouraging me from day one. You’re always there when I’m excited about a scene I have just written, or when I’m struggling to see how a scene should go. You helped bring Doug and Sophie to life. Thank you for taking them into your heart and for loving them - they love you too.

  Lynne - I’ve lost count of the many hours I have spent chatting and laughing and discussing books with you. You were the first person I told about it and the first person to tell me I could do it and I guess I have. I treasure your friendship and always will. Thank you.

  Thank you to my wonderful, supportive Husband, who lost me to my laptop on many nights and didn’t complain. YOU are the reason I am able to sit and write and follow my dreams. YOU are my Doug. And I love you with my whole heart and to my toes ;)

  Lastly, but most importantly, thank you to my readers. Writing this story was easy, the scary part was letting people read it. Thank you for investing your time in this book and in Doug and Sophie, I can never thank you enough.

  KA x

  To my Angel Becky. This one is for you sweetheart. I’ll follow my dreams and live life for both of us. Forever in my heart. X

  "I believe in the immeasurable power of love; that true love can endure any circumstance and reach across and distance. - Steve Maraboli

  Chapter One

  Fifteen days, eight hours and twenty seven minutes. That’s how long it’s been since I’ve seen him. Doug. My boyfriend. It’s normal to count the time, right? It feels like the longest fifteen days ever. Why is it, when you have something you are excited about, time slows down? Imagine looking at an old fashioned timer, the grains of sand dropping so slowly, you’re sure they aren’t dropping at all. Yet when there is something you are dreading, that same timer seems to be dropping sand so quickly, you are sure there must be a bigger hole somewhere?

  So, fifteen whole days since I laid eyes on him, inhaled his scent, kissed his lips, felt his body against mine, felt his hands slowly slide themselves up my thighs to... Whoa! See what time does? Time makes you horny. Anyway, today is the day Doug is back. In a few short hours — short, who am I kidding, these bastard minutes are going to drag — I will get to see him again and the fire that has been burning within will, I hope, be extinguished, or at the very least, tamed.

  I’m sitting having a coffee waiting for the model who is my client today to finish her current set of photos before I change her look for the next set. In my head, I am planning our reunion, Doug is coming over after work, I will cook, and there will be candles, wine, music. I have put on fresh sheets already and the wine is in the fridge, I just need to pick up a few things for dinner on the way home. Dessert is a chocolate mousse. Strawberries, I must remember strawberries. I pick up my phone and go to add strawberries to my shopping list, when it buzzes in my palm.

  I can’t wait to see you. Taste you. Touch you. Be inside you. I’ve missed you. X

  I smile to myself; the time apart has been as tough on him as it has been on me. It will be worth it tonight ‘making up for lost time sex’ is always great. Hell, who am I trying to kid, sex with Doug generally, is always great. I type a quick reply; one I hope will get him going more than he already is…

  Can’t wait to see you either. Won’t be long. I’ll be wet and ready for you. As always. X

  “Sophie, we’re finished with this set, can we go more dramatic on the eyes please?” I am snapped out of my dirty thoughts of chocolate mousse, a naked Doug and my tongue by Anais who is the stylist I am working with today. “Sorry, yes of course” I put my phone back down and get to work.

  The shoot lasts for another hour and by the time it’s finished, it is already 5.20pm Doug is due at mine at 6pm and I still need to stop off to get a few bits for dinner. I’m rushing to gather all my stuff together and get out the door when my phone rings, the introduction to Michael Buble’s Cry Me a River ringing out.

  “Seriously Sophie, get a better ring tone!” Anais yells laughing.

  “This is good!” I scowl at her I look down at my phone and my screen is filled with the gorgeous face of Doug.

  “Hi,” I breathe into the phone

  “Hi.” he replies, I can tell he is smiling.

  “Where are you?”

  “Still at the shoot, I’m almost done. I just need to stop off and get a couple of bits for dinner and I will be home.”

  “Can I not just eat you?” his voice sounds like sex and I gasp.

  “Well, I will need something to eat, give me half an hour and I’ll be home…” I am blushing and trying to dodge Anais and her evil grin.

  “Half an hour, no longer, it’s been long enough…” he sighs and I can just picture him running his hands through his hair.

  “Where are you?” I ask, needing to hear his voice for a little longer.

  “Just driving back from the airport, the flight was a little delayed.” he groans and I have to bite my lip, how does a groan do that to me? I’m wet and aching, I need him, now.

  “I need you so bad, Doug…” the words are out of my mouth before I’m even aware of it and at my words, he inhales sharply.

  “I need you too. Half an hour.”

  “Yes...” I whisper, almost able to feel his warm breath on me. Twenty minutes later, I stand up and throw everything in my case.

  “Anais, I’m off. Have a good weekend, anything nice planned?” I ask pulling up the handle on my wheelie case and walking towards the door.

  “Yeah, I’m going to be seeing Josh” she grins and winks at me.

  “Things... progressing?” I ask raising an eyebrow

  “Not yet, but after he sees me in the outfit on Saturday, they sure will...” she winks and starts laughing.

  “I have no doubt, see you next week!” I wave as I walk out the door and to my car.

  In record time I have rushed around the supermarket picking up the last few bits I need, at the last minut
e I pick up some champagne from the fridge. Doug being back is certainly something to celebrate. The cashier is in the mood to talk.

  “Oh, celebrating something are we, love?”

  “Erm, yes, my boyfriend is back from a trip.” I try to keep my head down and just pack the bags but she doesn’t take the hint.

  “Nice evening planned?”

  “Yes.” again, eyes down, keep packing.

  “Where was his trip to?”

  “New York.” I smile.

  There is only the champagne left and it has one of those bloody security tags on. The cashier tries to remove it but it won’t come off. I stand there and watch her trying to remove the thing for what feels like an eternity, for god’s sake, I need to GO! I want to scream, I’ve already been twenty-five minutes and it’s at least a ten minute drive back to my flat at this time of day. I am just about ready to tell her to leave the bloody champagne, I don’t want it that bad, when there is a snap and the security label comes off.

  “Oh! That was a tough one, I don’t think it wants to come home with you!” she chuckles at her joke.

  Trying very hard not to snatch the damn bottle out of her hand, I smile and take the bottle placing it in my trolley. I pay and with a cheery “Bye” I run to the car park, load my bags and get in the car. Traffic isn’t so bad and I make it home in a little over five minutes. I remove the shopping leaving my work case in the boot and go to call the lift. I live on the 7th floor; there is no way I am taking the stairs with these bags. The light indicates the lift has arrived and with an annoyingly cheerful ping, the doors open. I quickly press for the 7th floor, praying that no one else calls the lift too. I am up against the clock here. We sail up to my floor and I literally run out the lift to my front door.

  No one is about as usual, managing to unlock the door with the bags around my wrists, I kick open the door and head straight for the kitchen. Unloading the bags, refrigerating what needs to be chilled and leaving the rest, I make my way to my bedroom to change my shoes. I purposely wore Doug’s favourite red dress to work, knowing I wouldn’t have time to change. But I wore flats, and flats just aren’t going to cut it tonight. I slip off my black pumps and into my heels for a little extra height. At 5’3 I was small and needed all the help I could get. I check my face in the mirror. My brown eyes look bright and alert. I leave my long brown hair down, falling in waves down my back and head back in to the kitchen.

  I smell him before I see him. He must have let himself in. I turn to go into the kitchen and there he is. Looking breathtakingly gorgeous, still in his suit but a little crumpled from the journey. I take a moment to drink him in. His 6’1 frame fills his suit perfectly. Moulding to his muscles. His hair is its usual messy ‘I don’t give a shit’ self, he has a days worth of stubble on his perfect, strong jaw. His lips are parted, showing just a little teeth, his eyes are a darker blue than they usually are, and I fully understand why.

  There is no talking, there doesn't need to be. Our eyes don’t leave each other. I can feel the heat, the tension, the need sizzling between us. After fifteen days apart, the longest we have ever gone without seeing each other in the eighteen months we have been together, we both need this. A thousand words are said in that look.

  He smiles at me and then he’s on me, holding my head at just the right angle to crash his lips to mine, groaning as his tongue meets mine in a dance of lovers who know each other well. His hands are fisting in my hair, pushing me against the wall, trapping me. I reach down to his belt, desperate to feel him, skin on skin.

  Travelling down my chest he skims his hands over my hips and behind before traveling the length of my back and unzipping my dress. His belt removed, I unzip his trousers and pull his shirt free. It isn't happening quick enough, I need him. Roughly pulling his boxer briefs down I sink to my knees and in one swift move take him into my mouth, humming my appreciation. He tastes good, all man and all mine. He groans, thrusting his hips forward, making his cock hit the back of my throat. It is all the encouragement I need, reaching up I grab his arse and dig my nails in, knowing it will drive him crazy. I can feel him grow harder still in my mouth and only then were the first words spoken.

  “Stop, now. Or I will come in your mouth and I do not want this to finish here,” Reaching down he pulls me up and kisses me “I want to be inside you when I come, it’s been too long, I need to feel you.”

  “I need to feel you too.” We are all hands, Doug pushing my dress over my shoulders and to the floor, me undoing his tie and unbuttoning his shirt. “I need skin Doug, now” Removing his cufflinks, his shirt joins my dress on the floor.

  “Jesus, Soph, look at you.”

  Standing before him in just my underwear, his eyes roam hungrily over my body, taking in the stockings, suspenders and heels. Holding me captive with his eyes his mouth is on mine again, his tongue seeking entry while his hands seek out and find the side of my knickers and rip them off my hips.

  “I liked those!” I growl biting his lip.

  “Too bad, I need nothing in the way of us right now.”

  Lifting me up by the arse, he leans down to take one nipple in his mouth, circling and biting. I groan and dig my nails into his shoulders, it feels sensational after all this time, how did I go so long without touching him? Without him touching me? He reaches down and finds my slick opening; with one finger he teases my clit.

  “You’re ready I see?” he grins

  “Always.” I smile down at him. Before I can say anything else, I feel him enter me; it’s slow, slower than I thought it would be. I need him and I need him now.

  “Enough with the slow, it’s been too long, fuck me. Hard. Now!”

  I seek out his mouth and thrust my tongue into it. He begins to move and it’s blissfully sweet. My back is being slammed against the wall, my legs around his waist, heels digging into his arse, pulling him closer, deeper. It isn’t enough. I grab his shoulders and pull him to me, groaning and sighing at once as his pace quickens.

  “I’ve missed you so much.” I all but cry, as I feel myself climbing closer and closer to my release.

  “I’ve missed you too.” I watch as a drop of sweat drips from his forehead onto my breasts.

  “Fuck that’s hot.” I gasp, holding him closer.

  “I’m not going to last much longer, are you there?” He is pounding into me, not stopping, his face a picture of lust and concentration.

  “I can be, kiss me, Doug.” I grab his face, kissing him, trying to express in one kiss how much I have missed him and how I never want to be apart again. The overwhelming feelings are enough to tip me over the edge and I come gloriously around him screaming his name.


  “Sophie, that’s it..... Oh god, baby.... that’s it. I’m coming!” and with one final thrust he comes, pouring himself into me. Resting his head on my shoulder I can feel his grin.

  “Welcome back” I croak.

  My gorgeous man was home.

  Chapter Two

  “It smells delicious Soph.” Doug leans down to kiss my shoulder. After our reunion, we showered together and are now relaxed and enjoying a glass of champagne in the kitchen “What are we having?” he raises his head and peers into the wok.

  “Chicken stuffed with Boursain and wrapped in parma ham.” I grin. My mum always tells me to cook what I know, that the confidence would come across in the taste. She is right; I’ve never made this without it tasting divine.

  “Sounds... dirty.” he smirks, “Stuffing, wrapping. Its food porn” he laughs.

  “If you say so.” I roll my eyes and smile. He comes behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist while I check on the rice. With his nose in my hair, he inhales and sighs, it’s a contented sound.

  “I have to go away again.” he announces.

  “What?” I turn in his arms, trying desperately not to sound too upset “You’ve only just got back.”

  “I know. I would rather I didn’t have to, but things are still… unsettled and I ne
ed to be there to oversee and sort some things out,” he sighs, reaching for his glass “It won’t be for as long this time, I promise.”

  “That doesn’t make it any easier Doug.” I sound like a grumpy, sulking child, and I hate that. Pull yourself together Sophie, its work.

  “You’re right, it doesn’t but after this trip, hopefully things will be more settled, I will know more about what is going on and I won’t need to go back for a while.” he pulls my chin up so he is looking me in the eyes, “And maybe the next time I have to go, you can come with me...” he breathes, his eyes hopeful.

  “We’ll see…” I say, turning to check on dinner again. We’ve had this conversation before, I can’t just up and leave at the drop of a hat like he can, and his visits are never really planned. I have to work, if I don’t work, I don’t get paid.